Report finds that La Liga was the ONLY top-five league to net profit during COVID-19 crisis

COVID-19 and its ensuing aftermath has undoubtedly caused an unprecedented global crisis that this world has never seen. Football has also been hit very hard, with many of the top leagues posting record losses.

However, that doesn’t seem to be the case in Spain. Despite the country’s struggles, their top football league actually did pretty well for themselves during the 2019/2020 season – which was an unusual one in itself.

In fact, La Liga was the only one of Europe’s “Big Five” leagues to post any kind of profit. As per financial conglomerate PricewaterhouseCoopers, during the 2019/20 season, Spanish football’s top flight earned $5.996 billion (€5.045 billion), which was an increase of 3.6 percent on the $5.323 billion (€4.479 billion) during the 2018/19 campaign.

PwC also notes that La Liga could’ve earned even more money if it weren’t for COVID-19 – to the tune of $6.324 billion (€5.321 billion). However, La Liga is expected to post losses this season. According to the financial services outfit, its estimated revenue would have been $6.259 billion (€5.266 billion) for the 2020/2021 term if COVID-19 hadn’t reared its ugly head, but are anticipated to bring in $4.213 billion (€3.545 billion) instead.

This reflects a $2 billion anticipated drop, with the actual figures potentially increasing once all calculations are completed.


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