Press conferences are tired vestige of journalistic arrogance

There is approximately no need for press conferences as they are in the modern age. They serve absolutely no-one but unimaginative journalists.   The response from much of the sports media to Naomi Osaka’s refusal to do press conferences was predictably pathetic. Will Swanton of The Australian offered a sentiment sadly shared by many. “The […]

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Crying in the kitchen at the noise of football fans…

All it took was a purr of appreciation from Villa fans and John Nicholson was crying in the kitchen… It’s always the small things that get you. I was listening to the final day commentaries on 5live, specifically the Aston Villa v Chelsea game. Villa cleared a ball, Jack Grealish took it down and laid […]

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Premier League stance is laughable and grotesque

‘The actions of a few clubs cannot be allowed to create such division and disruption,’ the Premier League said in a statement about the European Super League on Monday. ‘We are determined to establish the truth of what happened and hold those clubs accountable for their decisions and actions.’ Oooh. The Premier League are coming […]

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Man United are a zombie club; can fans change that?

So was Sunday’s protest at Manchester United a good thing? Yes and no. Shutting down the biggest game in English football down is a substantial achievement. It was a very effective protest. It was not expected by anyone, least of all the club who just thought fan protests would go on outside the ground and […]

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Of course Premier League wants to scrap TV rights auction

The Premier League wants to roll over the current rights deal to cover the 2022-2025 period. Same money as before. The reason offered? Stability for clubs in uncertain times. The real reason? The value of the rights fees is falling and they fear it will be substantially lower, meaning they won’t be able to buy […]

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Small tweaks make Super League palatable – so we must act now

The Super League failed not necessarily due to fan backlash, but because it was so amateurish. It’ll return – we must cut it off at the legs.   Last week’s Super League coup was amateurish. They bottled it almost immediately. But was this more a failure of marketing and politicking than it was of anything […]

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Big Six can f*** off to European Super Jerk Off League now

On Monday, UEFA was set to approve the new, awful Champions League format: one big league of 36 teams playing 100 extra games, invented to head off a European Super League. Ah but hold on, too late, that’s already happening. In a move which suggests massive duplicity, six English clubs have agreed to form a […]

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VAR is both salt in the wound and the knife that cut it

Next season will be the last we see of VAR, at least as it is. Most fans opposed it from the start; their return ensures it cannot continue.   Remember the glory days? Remember a time before VAR? When we could just trust the officials to do their best to get almost every call right, […]

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Social media boycott will only work if a week becomes forever

Swansea and Rangers are boycotting social media for a week in a respectable but futile protest. We must consider stopping using it completely   Swansea City and Rangers have suspended their use of social media as a protest against racist abuse and discrimination. It’s for a week and has been widely welcomed. Apart from anything […]

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Parachute payments are evil leaking from Premier League

With Watford and Norwich City poised for promotion and Bournemouth a point shy of the play-off place with a game in hand, it is far from impossible that we will see last season’s relegated teams go straight back up. Is this just a coincidence or are clubs finally using their Premier League income and parachute […]

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