Blue Stars/FIFA Youth Cup 2021 cancelled

Blue Stars Trophy

FIFA and the Organising Committee regret to announce that they have decided not to hold the Blue Stars/FIFA Youth Cup as planned, owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. FIFA and the Organising Committee will continue to monitor the situation and plan next year’s annual youth tournament.

Because of the epidemiological situation, it was not possible to hold the event on the Ascension holiday in May. It now appears that the new dates (28-29 August 2021) are also unrealistic. The deciding factors to cancel the tournament were the continued travel and spectator restrictions, the quarantine requirements and the difficulty for teams from abroad to confirm whether they would be participating. 

The next Blue Stars/FIFA Youth Cup in Zurich-Altstetten is planned to take place on the Ascension holiday on 25 and 26 May 2022.

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