Another FSG betrayal – can Liverpool fans force ownership change again?

Another FSG betrayal – can Liverpool fans force ownership change again? – originally posted on

Liverpool announced their participation in the European Super League on Sunday along with five other Premier League clubs.

12 clubs from across Europe came together for the exclusive breakaway tournament but the Premier League sides were forced to withdraw their participation two days later following protests and backlash from their fans.

Since then Liverpool owner John Henry has come under tremendous pressure from the fanbase to sell the club and move on.

Since taking over at Liverpool around a decade ago, FSG have managed to guide the club to success on the pitch but they have made numerous mistakes off it and it seems that they have destroyed their bond with the fans.

Their attempts to increase the season ticket prices, trademark the Liverbird and Liverpool, the furlough scheme attempt during the Coronavirus pandemic and now the decision to commit to the European Super League have all added to the disappointment of the fans in recent years.

Furthermore, their handling of the Kenny Dalglish sacking is another one of their mistakes the fans have not forgiven them for.

After every mistake, the Liverpool owners have apologised and they have managed to mend the differences with the fans time and again. Henry has always maintained that FSG are learning from their mistakes.

The Liverpool owner carried on the trend and John Henry apologised publicly to the Liverpool fans once again after Liverpool pulled out of the European Super League.

However, it has come to a point where there is a clear pattern emerging. FSG simply do not care about the opinion of the fans while making the decisions and then they are forced to reverse those decisions on the back of protests.

This is followed up with an apology from the club hierarchy which is nothing more than a PR exercise.

If the club owners meant had their apology towards the fans, they would be involving the supporter groups while making key decisions regarding the club’s future.

The likes of Spion Kop and the Spirit of Shankly have sent out statements regarding the owners’ disastrous decision to join the European Super League and they are calling for fan representation on the board to prevent further mistakes that can embarrass the club and damage its reputation.

It remains to be seen whether FSG can work together with the fans in future and prove that they are fit enough to lead the club.

Liverpool fans played a key role in driving out the likes of Hicks and Gillett after years of mismanagement and there is no reason why they cannot drive FSG out of the club as well.

Actions speak louder than words and it is time for the Liverpool owners to act in a way befitting of a club of Liverpool’s stature.

Read: Fan power in full force as European Super League hits the buffers

Read: UEFA to consider ‘punishments’ for Arsenal, Liverpool and co for Super League fiasco

Read: European Super League: Quotes, Reactions, What They Said

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